Got a great idea for a Congress bill or resolution? Having trouble formatting it correctly to submit to the tournament?
Congress Docket is here to help! Use our free Legislation Formatter to quickly enter in your bill and download as a word, PDF, or save to your google drive.
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Need Congress Legislation for an upcoming tournament?
Check out for pre-written legislation available for instant download and/or order custom legislation for your tournament.
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Write legislation for us! Our exclusive authorship program enables you to write legislation for the Congress Docket Database or original legislation orders.
You keep 80% of all sales.
More InformationAbout Us
Congress Docket was created by National Online Forensics as foremost a service to the Student Congress community. We know that writing and formatting legislation is difficult work. We hope to make it easy as answering that softball cross-examination question from your team mate.
Need help? Contact us at [email protected]